“Bernie Sanders used his presidential platform to help us imagine a better future for this country.” 04.08.2020 BURLINGTON, VT — In response to the news that Bernie Sanders has suspended his campaign for the Democratic nomination, CPD Action, a national network of grassroots community organizations that endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders in December, released the following […]
As Republicans vote to acquit Trump, nationwide protests call out cover up of Trump’s crimes *Livestream recording* *See the mobilizations map and sign up page at rejectthecoverup.org WASHINGTON, DC — On Wednesday, February 5, Americans took to the streets in over 230 cities and towns across the country to reject Mitch McConnell and the GOP’s […]
WASHINGTON, DC — Center for Popular Democracy Action (CPD Action), a national network of more than 50 community organizing groups across the country, announced the endorsement of three progressive candidates in high-profile congressional races in California and New York: Chris Bubser for US House of Representatives from California (CA-8); Jamaal Bowman for US House of […]
For Immediate Release: February 13, 2020 Media Contact: Inarú Meléndez, 413-331-9530, imelendez@populardemocracy.org “Now is the time for Congress to step up and put the lives of the people of Puerto Rico over hedge fund profits.” San Juan, Puerto Rico – In response to the new debt adjustment deal announced by the Financial Management and Oversight Board […]
WASHINGTON, DC — Center for Popular Democracy Action (CPD Action), a national network of more than 50 community organizing groups across the country, announced the endorsement of three progressive candidates in high-profile congressional races in California and New York: Nora Vargas for San Diego County Supervisor for District 1 in California; and Kim Foxx for […]
03.04.2020 LOS ANGELES — On the largest voting day in the 2020 primary cycle, Bernie Sanders won the biggest, state with the most delegates — California, and came close in Texas, the second-most delegate rich state. He won 55 percent of Latino voters in California and 45 percent in Texas. Sanders proved himself to be […]
Mar 5, 2020 “Our country and our movement are better for the brilliance, passion and drive that she brought to the race,” says coalition of grassroots groups. CHARLESTOWN, MA — In response to news that Elizabeth Warren has dropped out of the presidential race, organizations including the Center for Popular Democracy Action, Our Revolution, the […]
“We cannot be more excited to build with the Working Families Party to help elect Bernie Sanders as the next president of the United States,” says coalition of grassroots groups DETROIT — In response to the Working Families Party endorsing Senator Bernie Sanders for President, the Center for Popular Democracy Action, Our Revolution, the Sunrise […]
“Bernie Sanders has proven that his voice and his movement are vital to any success in November.” DETROIT, MI — In response to results from the March 10 primaries, CPD Action, a national network of grassroots community organizations who endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders in December, released the following statement from Political Director Natalia […]
Dear Member of Congress: We write to you as organizations in Puerto Rico and stateside that are deeply concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on the island. Given Puerto Rico’s crumbling healthcare infrastructure and aging population at greater risk of complications, the spread of this virus could result in an unprecedented human catastrophe. Congress should […]