WASHINGTON, DC –- In response to President Trump’s announcement that he will approve a funding bill to temporarily reopen the government, the Center for Popular Democracy Action network released the following statements:
Ana Maria Archila, Co-Executive Director at the Center for Popular Democracy Action
“President Trump, aided by Senator McConnell and the GOP, threw the lives of 800,000 federal workers into deep crisis when he tried to force the country to give him billions of dollars for a monument to xenophobia. The harm caused by this shutdown was real for federal workers and their families, and for communities of color across the country. We appreciate the strength and tenacity that Speaker Pelosi and Democrats in Congress demonstrated by refusing to include funding for Trump’s racist wall in the continuing resolution. Members of Congress must continue to refuse any future deal to fund Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda. Any funding that facilitates the expansion of the wall, or additional capacity for ICE and Border Patrol, will result in more deaths at the border, more children in cages, and more families torn apart. Our government needs to stay open, and workers need to get paid for their work without causing more harm to refugees and families. Members of Congress should focus their efforts on passing a budget that helps people thrive by investing in good jobs, education, housing, healthcare, clean air and water, and more.”
Javier H. Valdés, Co-Executive Director of Make the Road Action New York
“Our community is relieved that, if this deal passes both chambers and Trump signs it, the government will reopen. We deeply appreciate the federal workers who’ve gone above and beyond without pay during this period. But we also know that this shutdown should never have happened–it was a crisis manufactured by Donald Trump, who held the whole government hostage to his racist vanity project. We appreciate that House and Senate Democrats have refused to give in to his tactics, and in the weeks to come, we will continue to insist that both chambers provide not one dollar for Trump’s wall and the out-of-control enforcement that is terrorizing border communities and immigrants.”
Sara Cullinane, Director of Make the Road Action New Jersey
“Trump’s shutdown was motivated by racism and xenophobia. It threatened our community here in New Jersey and our brother and sisters and families at the border. We are unwilling to compromise with Trump. We applaud the efforts by the democratic majority to pass a clean bill and we will continue to fight for funding that brings services and support for our communities. The fight is not over, and we are ready to keep advocating for our a better future for all.”
Debbie Soto, President, Organize Florida
“Trump has shown no empathy whatsoever for the 800,000 federal workers feeling the economic pinch with each passing week. Why hold the workers hostage? The shutdown must end NOW, and we must not provide any funds for this nonessential, racist border wall. We thank the House and Senate Democrats for not giving in to this bully and continuing to fight for our communities.”
Maegan Llerena, Deputy Director Make the Road Action in Pennsylvania
“This wall will be a monumental waste of money and it’s money that could be used in our communities to create jobs, infrastructure, education and affordable healthcare. Trump’s desire to divide the continent has instead divided the country, leaving thousands without pay. We demand that the government reopen with no talk of a racist, unnecessary border wall of any kind and instead focus on developing strong families and communities.”
Andrea Mercado, Executive Director, New Florida Majority
“We denounce any resolution that weakens protections for asylum-seekers and trafficking survivors, militarizes border towns, and steals land from the farmers and ranchers living there. It is unacceptable that the Trump administration and Senate are negotiating this deal which prioritizes building an archaic wall over protecting these vulnerable communities.”
Lalo Montoya, Political Director, Make the Road Nevada
“Today’s Trump announcement makes it clear that this has always been about the White House and Mitch McConnell’s insístance in funding a racist border wall jeopardizing the values of our country. Asking for asylum is not a crime. Solutions should not have to include ripping away immigrants’ rights.”
Gustavo Torres, President, CASA In Action
“The shutdown must end now. It is not right for the 800,000 federal workers who have been out of work for the longest government shutdown in history. We will not negotiate over a border wall. We want a comprehensive immigration reform plan for the thousands of immigrants that are hiding in the shadows.”
Media Contact: Lia Weintraub, lweintraub@populardemocracy.org