“We Need Advocates at Every Level of Government to Put People Before Profits”
Brooklyn, NY — Today, the Center for Popular Democracy Action (CPD Action) a national network of more than 50 community organizing groups across the country, announced a slate of endorsements ahead of the Vermont primary. Guided by Rights & Democracy Vermont, the progressive endorsees include state representative candidates, Tanya Vyhovsky, Jubilee McGill, Taylor Small, Katherine Sims, Michelle Bos-Lun, Heather Surprenant, Emma Mulvaney-Stanak and Scott Pavek. Endorsements also include Erhard Mahnke, and Kesha Ram for state senate, as well as David Zuckerman for Governor and Brenda Siegel for Lieutenant Governor of Vermont.
“Our partners, Rights & Democracy Vermont have worked to make sure that every candidate leaned into the needs of their communities across the state. CPD Action is proud to stand behind progressive candidates across local races in Vermont. We need advocates at every level of government to put people before profits,” said Natalia Salgado, Political Director, Center for Popular Democracy Action.
David Zuckerman for Governor of Vermont is a champion for progressive policies in the state. His platform tackles the need to address the climate crisis, strengthen the economy, and transform a healthcare system to work for every resident.
Brenda Siegel for Lieutenant Governor, Vermont has been a longtime community advocate and teacher. She aims to tackle climate issues, address the opioid epidemic, and build the education system in Vermont.
Tanya Vyhovsky, for state representative in Vermont House Chittenden 8-1 is fighting for workers’ rights, minimum wage, housing, and addressing the financial burden of college debt.
Jubilee McGill for state representative of Addison 5 is a progressive advocate fighting for housing equity.
Taylor Small for state representative of the Chittenden 6-7 district of Winooski & Burlington is running to fight for accessible healthcare, secure homes, criminal justice reform, and increased funding for education.
Katherine Sims for state representative in Albany, Barton, Craftsbury, Glover, Greensboro, Sheffield, and Wheelock. An advocate for working families in rural Vermont, she aims modernize infrastructure and rebuild the local economy.
Michelle Bos-Lun for state representative of Windham 4 district aims to fight for climate action, immigrant justice, and healthcare access.
Scott Pavek for state representative of Chittenden 6-5 aims to secure accessible healthcare, address the climate crisis, and transform the criminal justice system in Burlington’s South End.
Heather Surprenant for state representative of Windsor 4-1 is running to advocate for rural economic development, including securing a living wage, and affordable housing.
Emma Mulvaney-Stanak state representative of Chittenden 6-2 aims to strengthen the economy, expand resources to education, and advocate for working families in Vermont.
Erhard Mahnke for state senate in Chittenden county is an advocate for housing and plans to fight for climate goals that ensure frontline communities have access to good-paying jobs.
Kesha Ram for state senate in Chittenden county has plans to increase resources for education and ensure a strong economy for working families.
The network has made several other down-ballot endorsements in Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, Georgia, and Illinois. Last year, CPD Action made its first presidential endorsement for Bernie Sanders.