CPD Action Endorses Slate of Progressive Candidates in Michigan

“Transformation can only happen if we listen to what our Black and brown community members are saying”

For Immediate Release:
July 27, 2020

Media Contact:
Inarú Melendez, 413-331-9530, imelendez@populardemocracy.org


WASHINGTON, DC — Today, the Center for Popular Democracy Action (CPD Action) a national network of more than 50 community organizing groups across the country, announced a slate of endorsements ahead of the Michigan primary. The progressive endorsees included Victoria Burton-Harris for Wayne County Prosecutor and Gabriella Santiago-Romero for Wayne County Commissioner (MI-4). Additionally, the following endorsed candidates for state representatives were selected: Donavan McKinney (MI-3), Abraham Aiyash (MI-4), Helena Scott (MI-7) Roslyn Ogburn (MI-9), and Rev. Kevin Harris (MI-10). These endorsements follow the proud endorsement of Detroit Action member, Representative Rashida Tlaib earlier this year. 

“We’re excited to get behind candidates whose records prove their commitment to dismantling the systems that keep our folks from thriving. Transformation can only happen if we listen to what our Black and brown community members are saying” said Natalia Salgado, Political Director, Center for Popular Democracy Action. “Our partners at Detroit Action understand exactly what their community and state need at this moment. It’s why we’ve taken their lead to support these progressive candidates in Michigan” 

Victoria Burton-Harris, our endorsee for Wayne County Prosecutor, is running on a platform aimed to untangle the current public health crisis from the criminal justice system. 

Gabriella Santiago-Romero hopes to be the Wayne County Commissioner in Michigan’s fourth district. This Latina hopes to develop safer communities in Wayne County by addressing basic needs like housing and equitable public transportation.  

Donavan McKinney, running for State Representative for District 3 in Michigan is devoted to securing equitable funding for education, the right for paid sick leave, and reforming the criminal justice system by addressing the myriad of policies that attack the poor. 

Abraham Aiyash, candidate for District 4 aims to ensure Michigan is a truly reflective democracy embracing a transformation of the criminal justice system, an expansion of healthcare access for all, and addressing the climate crisis. 

Helena Scott, a candidate for Michigan’s 7th District, advocates for improving the education and health systems that allow people to get the tools and resources they actually need to thrive. 

Roslyn Ogburn, candidate for Michigan’s 9th District is running to make sure working families in her community have increased funding in education and access to green infrastructure that can ensure clean water and air. 

Rev. Kevin Harris, an aspiring state representative for Michigan’s 10th District, runs on a platform aimed at powering entrepreneurship, addressing discriminations in education and housing, and ensuring seniors in his community feel safe and supported. 

The network has made several other down-ballot endorsements in New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, Georgia, and Illinois. Last year, CPD Action made its first presidential endorsement for Bernie Sanders.





Center for Popular Democracy Action promotes equity, opportunity, and a dynamic democracy in partnership with innovative base-building organizations, organizing networks and alliances, and progressive unions across the country. CPD Action builds the strength and capacity of democratic organizations to envision and advance a pro-worker, pro-immigrant, racial justice agenda