The Center for Popular Democracy Action Network continues to keep up pressure on Congress to pass the vital Build Back Better Act, taking the fight directly to those who stand in opposition to change:
In Washington, DC our affiliate CASA held multiple actions to continue to pressure Congress and the Vice President to disregard the Parliamentarian Ruling and pass a reconciliation bill that would include legalization for millions. We also worked with healthcare advocates who were arrested protesting in front of the Senate office building demanding healthcare be kept in #BuildBackBetter.
In New York, affiliates NYCC, Make the Road NY, CUFFH and VOCAL continue to pressure Schumer to deliver on his promise of climate, immigration and healthcare policies for all.
In West Virginia, we confronted Senator Manchin in his home state with a rolling billboard with some of his constituents’ key demands.
If we missed your action please let us know, we want to amplify and support! We are also in a key moment and Congress needs to hear your story! Please send us your members’ stories so we can highlight them.
Senators Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Arizona) continue to stand against the 48 Democratic Senators, 220 Democratic members of the House and the Biden Administration who are all committed to passing the Build Back Better Act. While President Biden continues to try to convince the two Senators to end their obstruction, Democrats in the House and Senate continue to work to flesh out details of provisions increasing healthcare access, addressing climate change, and providing affordable housing.
In the meantime, the CPD Action Network and our allies continue to put pressure on members to support this transformational legislation through direct action, one-on-one meetings with lawmakers, and encouraging everyone to call their representatives and demand that Democrats do what they were elected to do.
As many of you know, last month the Senate parliamentarian issued an advisory opinion arguing that provisions in the Build Back Better Act that would create a path to citizenship for millions could not be included in the final bill. However, as President of the Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris has the authority to ignore the parliamentarian and find that these provisions can be passed with the rest of the BBB package.
The CPD Action Network has joined with immigration rights groups across the country to urge VP Harris to use this authority to prevent an unelected bureaucrat from thwarting the will of a majority of elected representatives and a majority of US residents.