Senators Must Bring Justice to Christine Blasey Ford

Center for Popular Democracy Action Demands Senators Keep Brett Kavanaugh From Becoming Supreme Court Justice


WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee as hundreds came to Capitol Hill to show solidarity and support, many of whom are survivors themselves. After her testimony, 59 people got arrested in front of the Supreme Court while chanting and saying that they believe her and demanding that Senators cancel the nomination.

“Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has faced unimaginable trauma, intimidation, and great personal risk from speaking her truth to the Senate Judiciary Committee today,” said Jennifer Epps-Addison, Co-Executive Director and Network President at the Center for Popular Democracy Action. “In her past, she was treated as collateral damage in a game of drunken boys seeing what they could get away with. For all that she has had to endure, the Senate Judiciary Committee must deliver her justice. And in this case, they need to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from becoming a Supreme Court Justice. We have hundreds of people from across the country here to support Dr. Blasey Ford and call for a Supreme Court Justice who treats all people with respect and dignity.”

“Dr. Christine Blasey Ford put her entire life on the line to testify today. Over the past month, we’ve seen a flood of women disclosing their assaults and reliving their trauma, just as Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julia Swetnick have done this week. Their courageous decision to make an enormous sacrifice for the good of the country has inspired women nationwide to make sacrifices of our own,” said Rachel Carmona, Chief Operating Officer of Women’s March. “Over the past month, hundreds of women have risked arrest to #CancelKavanaugh. The Supreme Court is our House. We’re taking it back, even if that means taking an arrest with it.”

Among their demands, protesters urge Senator Grassley to cancel the committee vote. In the case of a vote, they demand that senators vote against the nomination. Many of the protesters, who came in partnership with The Center for Popular Democracy Action and the Women’s March, have protested the nomination since the first hearing, citing Kavanaugh’s disturbing record on health care, reproductive justice, worker protections, and immigration.

You can find photos from the day at this link, attributed to Erika Nizborski.


Media Contact: Lia Weintraub,